The Project

 I am embarking on a project with the subject of pandas. I will be using a variety of styles, mediums, and muses.  

A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine about how much I enjoy doing art, outside of work, but that I don't get inspired unless I am doing it for someone else. He said, "I can't figure out why you've not started a series called 'Manda's Pandas'" I have a special place in my heart for pandas and it only would make sense right? I responded with something about how I wasn't sure and maybe I should. 

This set  into motion this beautiful expedition. I had no idea what I could possibly do, then less than 48 hrs later I decided I want to explore more forms of art and artists. I will be producing different pandas and panda inspired art using a variety of styles, mediums, and muses. I got my current list of art movements and artists to emulate by asking my friends and family. 

Now here we are. This blog will be the documentation of this project and my growth as an amateur artist. I look forward to sharing with you my research, tools, process, attempts, highs and lows, and of course: my art. Thank you for joining me.