Thursday, March 2, 2017

Panda 1 - Part 1 - Inspired by Franz Marc

In the intro to this project I mentioned my inspirations come from a suggestion from a friend. Franz Marc was suggested by my friend and fellow artist Mackenzie. Before this I had never seen any of his works or heard his name, but as I learned more about him I became more enthusiastic about his style.

In this process I start by learning as much as I could about the artist, then practice their style using Master Studies which is just the fancy word for copying, finally I plan to apply the style and theories to my own work with the subject of... PANDAS!!!!

There are three significant components to Franz Marc's work, his color theory, his philosophy and love for animals, and his admiration of van Gogh, and similar artists. Marc is widely renowned for his theory of colors and how they represent emotion and attitude: yellow being joy and femininity, blue as strength and masculinity, and red being matter, mankind, anger and destruction.  For me, life is color. I associate colors with almost everyone I know and every event I experience. This connection drew me in to Marc immediately and ignited my hunger for this project.

Marc felt a deep connection to animals, believing they contain a spirituality which humanity has lost. He almost exclusively painted animals, studying their movements, energy, and shapes to create the masterpieces shown below. Horses were, understandably, his favorite-their might and majestic nature is enthralling. When I first saw pandas, which is a moment that changed my life forever, I sat and watched them sleep for over an hour. I just sat on the concrete and watched the round of their back and sides heave with their breath. I could have stayed longer, if I wasn't pressed for time. I plan to explore my true love for the creature later in this series, but for now I will say, like Marc, I see their souls and admire their brilliance and playfulness. Sometimes it is easier to spend time with animals, because they don't question existence, they contain the luster he argues humans have lost.

Finally, when Franz Marc discovered van Gogh, he was instantly enamored by the authenticity of his work. The simple nature and vibrant colors Marc saw influenced a major turning point in his career. He mimicked the heavy use of black, the  use of color, the flow and patterns of land masses and animals van Gogh is known for. In my work, studying Marc, I have become more comfortable with this approach. As an inherent realistic artist, seeing things from the leans of someone so confident in impressionism presented a challenge, but I admire and revere the style and am enthusiastic about how it will shape this project.

Thank you for taking your time to join me in this little lesson. I am so excited to share with you my Master studies and final work on the very first Manda's Panda!

Go out and try something new.

Works by Franz Marc: 


 Two cats, Blue and Yellow

 Yellow cow

Roter Stier

For a full biography on Franz Marc CLICK HERE. 

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